DSCI 2001 Data Science I

Credits: 4
Goal Areas: n/a
This course introduces students to the rapidly growing field of Data Science. Students will learn the concepts and tools used to analyze data sets and make informed business and/or research decisions. Students will use various software, including databases, to gather, organize and visualize data for analysis.

DSCI 2002 Data Science II

Credits: 4
Goal Areas: n/a
Provide students further exposure to the growing field of Data Science. Building upon the topics in Data Science I, students will learn about machine learning techniques, ways to deal with networked systems and extremely large data sets, and methods for improving the performance of computerized statistical models.

DSCI 2009 Interdisciplinary Applications in Data Science

Credits: 2
Goal Areas: n/a
This course provides a flexible in-depth review of interdisciplinary applications in Data Science. The curriculum has students independently explore and apply methods of Data Science in a real-world context related to their career interests.