What is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 搂 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex of students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX reads:
No person in the United States, shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance鈥︹ Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX).
海角社区 does not tolerate discrimination of any kind in any context. We are committed to empowering students who experience gender discrimination or other forms of gender-based violence to pursue disciplinary, criminal, and civil action if they choose to do so.
If you are a member of the 海角社区 community and have experienced harassment or discrimination you have options for support.
FYI: No disciplinary action will be taken against you by 海角社区 for violating campus conduct policy regarding alcohol or drug use if you are reporting an act of gender-based violence.
Reporting Sexual Discrimination and Harassment
Anyone or group related to 海角社区 who believes there has been an act of discrimination on the basis of sex against any person or group in a program or activity that receives financial assistance may file a complaint under Title IX. The person or organization filing the complaint need not be a victim of the alleged discrimination but may be affected by a general "hostile sexual environment" or complain on behalf of another person or group. A complaint should be sent to the office that serves the state in which the alleged discrimination occurred. You can file a complaint to the Title IX staff at 海角社区 by using the sexual misconduct report form.
Students Contact
Elton Dahn
Title IX Coordinator, Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution
Phone Number: 763-488-0229
Location: ES 118F
Email: Elton.dahn@nhcc.edu
Lindsay Fort
Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Students
Phone: 763-424-0736
Email: Lindsay.fort@nhcc.edu
Employees Contact
Melissa Danner
Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Interim Human Resources Director
Location: ES 31
Phone: 763-424-0966
Counseling, Advocacy, Resources, and Empowerment Center (Students)
Public Safety (Students and Employees)
Support Resources
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network for Sexual Assault
National 24-hour helpline for sexual assault survivors. Assist in directing people to local services and will speak with persons in crisis. Go to or call 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE).
Crisis Hotlines
Mental Health Crisis Lines 鈥 available 24/7
Anoka County | 763-755-3801
Carver and Scott Counties | 952-442-7601
Dakota County | 952-891-7171
Hennepin County (COPE) 鈥 Adults | 612-596-1223
Hennepin County (COPE) 鈥 Children | 612-348-2233
Ramsey County 鈥 Adults | 651-266-7900
Ramsey County 鈥 Children | 651-774-7000
Washington County 鈥 651-777-5222
Free and confidential health and human services.
Text MNHELP to 898-211 (TXT211) or call 211.
External Reporting
| 1-800-USA-LEARN
Other Areas Protected by Title IX
Title IX protects students at the institution from discrimination on the basis of sex in all educational programs and activities at the college (Title IX, 20 U.S.C.鈥 1681 C). This includes discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. Further, students should not receive harassment, opportunities, or lack of assistance based on their pregnancy. Title IX prohibits a school from apply any rule related to a student鈥檚 parental, family, or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex.
Know your Rights as a Pregnant and Parenting Student.
Reasonable accommodations will be made in conjunction with the student and instructor, may vary based on needs, and a student鈥檚 absences will be excused due to pregnancy or childbirth under Title IX as long as the student鈥檚 doctor deems the absence medically necessary. We recommend a student works with their instructors and the college as soon as you are able as a notification is required to receive accommodations. If you need assistance, please contact the CARE Center for support.
Mother's Room (Lactation Space)
The Mother鈥檚 Room (Lactation Space) is a space that is accessible to parents who need space to feed children, express milk, or utilize a pump. Individuals needing access to the Mother鈥檚 Room (Lactation Space) may contact Student Life or Public Safety at 763-424-0807.
Science Center-(SC) 109A
Campus Center (CC) 202
Gender is a protected class under Title IX of the Educational Amendments. Discrimination based on a student鈥檚 gender identity, including transgender identity is prohibited. 海角社区 is committed to not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise treat individuals differently on the basis of gender or sex. It is important to have a safe, inclusive and comfortable campus environment. Should a community member experience gender discrimination, they can contact the Title IX Coordinator, Elton Dahn, or the Associate Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Eda Watts.
Gender Neutral Bathrooms
All campus single restrooms are gender neutral restrooms and they are located in the following buildings: CBT, CLA, ES, LRC, and SC. See the building maps for specific locations.
海角社区 is required to follow the Federal Title IX regulations (), which requires institutions of higher education that receive federal funds, publicly post all materials used to train Title IX personnel at the College. NHCC will continue to update this site to the extent necessary to comply with Title IX and the regulations.
The Title IX regulations require noting trainings effective August 14, 2020. The list below does include a training prior to August 14, 2020, that relate to the implementation of the 2020 Title IX regulations. All materials will be kept by the institution for seven (7) years. Below is training received by the Title IX Coordinator, Investigators, Decision Makers, and/or facilitators for informal resolution.
- Title IX Coordinator Training, Minnesota State, September 27, 2023
- Presentation materials: Title IX Coordinator Training_20230927.pdf
- Student Informal Resolutions, Minnesota State, June 16, 2022
- Presentation materials: Informal Resolution Presentation_20220616.pdf
- 1B1 Investigator Training, Minnesota State November 17, 2022
- Presentation materials: 1B1 Investigator Training_20221117.pdf
- 1B3 Decision Maker Training, Minnesota State, November 3, 2022
- Presentation materials: 1B3 Investigator Training_20221103.pdf
- 1B1 Decisionmaker Training, Minnesota State, February 18, 2021
- Presentation materials: 1B1 Decisionmaker 鈥 Labor Relations_20210218.pdf
- Informal Resolution Process Refresh and Q & A, Minnesota State University, Moorhead
- Presentation materials: Informal Resolution Refresher_20201026.pdf