SPAN 1030 Spanish and Latin American Culture
Credits: 3
Goal Areas: 06,08
This course is an introduction to the civilization and culture of Spain and Spanish America, with particular emphasis on comparative cultures, modern trends, the ancient Indian civilizations and African-Spanish-American influences. The course is taught in English; no previous knowledge of Spanish is required.
SPAN 1050 Spanish for Health Care Workers
Credits: 3
Goal Areas: n/a
This course is designed for students in medical and health care areas who want to develop fundamental skills in conversational Spanish as related to their daily activities. The course activities are divided into two major sections: First, basic language skills that are taught using the textbook, An Introduction to Spanish for Health Care Workers; Second, the creation and practice of dialogs related to specific nursing tasks (e.g., assessing medical history, assessing health risks, teaching breast self exams, making appointments, etc.). This course is not a Spanish language class per se, but it is designed to teach health care students how to do specific tasks in Spanish. As such, there is no specific Spanish prerequisite to be enrolled in this course. All non-native speakers of Spanish at any level are encouraged to enroll in this course. Students who are interested in acquiring Spanish language in general are invited to enroll in traditional Spanish courses.
SPAN 1101 Beginning Spanish I
Credits: 5
Goal Areas: 08
Designed for the student with little or no previous experience with languages, this course stresses correct pronunciation, aural comprehension, basic structure, and a practical reading knowledge of Spanish.
SPAN 1102 Beginning Spanish II
Credits: 5
Goal Areas: 08
Continuing the activities and skill development from Span 1101, this course will emphasize basic proficiency reinforcing the student's knowledge and awareness of appropriate language use in a variety of situations.Prerequisite: Span 1101 or equivalent recommended
SPAN 1990 Spanish Special Topics
Credits: 1-4
Goal Areas: n/a
This course will provide flexibility in offering an in-depth review of topics of immediate importance and topical interest. These topics will go beyond the introductory courses in examining specific aspects of the subject matter.
SPAN 2201 Intermediate Spanish I
Credits: 5
Goal Areas: 08,06
This course continues the development of the multiple language skills introduced in the beginning sequence. The student is introduced to the literature and culture of Spain and Spanish America. Prerequisite: Span 1102 or equivalent recommended
SPAN 2202 Intermediate Spanish II
Credits: 5
Goal Areas: 06,08
This course continues the development of multiple language skills with the opportunity to improve reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension, with emphasis on developing skills in conversation and in expanding vocabulary. The student will also have a more extensive exposure to the literature and culture through readings and films.Prerequisite: Span 2201 or equivalent recommended