- CERT, Minneapolis Community & Technical Colleg
- MN, University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
- DNP, University Of Minnesota Twin Cities
Your name with educational credentials including where you earned any degrees:
Dr. Elmira Turdalieva, DNP, RN, CNS-BC.
I earned my Masters in Nursing and Doctorate in Nursing Practice from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
Your nursing background or areas of clinical expertise:
I worked as a research assistant at the University of Minnesota, School of Nursing.
Clinical Experience: Cardiovascular Acute Unit at the University of Minnesota Medical Center, MHealth.
Why did you choose to teach nursing?
I like to share my nursing knowledge with nursing students in order to strengthen their skills. I believe that when my nursing students become RNs, they will make a significant impact in the healthcare and contribute to excellent patient care outcomes.
What are some ways you help our diverse students to succeed in the nursing program?
My teaching philosophy is to learn about every student, individually, which includes their background and learning abilities, so that I can provide them with the best guidance to help them succeed in our program.