groups of smiling students and mentors on staircase

What is Be Bold Break the Mold? 

Be Bold Break the Mold (BBBM) is a professional mentorship program that supports female identifying students entering high-demand careers where women are underrepresented. Participating programs include computer science, engineering broad field, construction management, and criminal justice

Be Bold students join a unique group of women and learn together the importance of social capital, networking, and support to help guide the transition from a successful academic career to confident industry professional. 

Be Bold Mentoring Benefits 

  • Paired with a woman mentor working in the field 
  • 1:1 meeting with your mentor
  • Job shadowing experience
  • Monthly Empowerment Speaker Series
  • $1,000 Stipend for completing the 8-month program

Requirements to Apply

To be considered for this program, you must:

  • Be enrolled at NHCC in a nontraditional major or have a strong interest in: Construction, Engineering, Computer Science, Criminal Justice
  • Be motivated to complete all program requirements

Program requirements include:

  • Interview with the program lead after completing the application
  • Program entrance and exit surveys
  • Acceptance and periodic check-ins with program lead
  • Monthly 1:1 meetings with your mentor are required and should be scheduled by the student
  • Job shadowing experience- minimum of one, but more are encouraged
  • Participation in all Be Bold- Break the Mold Empowerment Speaker Series events (typically held 1-2 Thursday evenings/month from 6-7:30 p.m.)
  • One-on-one resume review with Career Center staff

Be Bold Break the Mold Application 

The application is open now and will close August 30 at 5:00pm. 

Next Steps: Schedule a required interview with Maria Vittone after completing the application:

A limited number of stipends are available. Interviews must be completed by August 30th. The program begins September 12th with a welcome/orientation. 

Questions? Contact

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