Policy Information
Number: 3.6
Name: Student Conduct Policy
Author: Policy Committee
Effective Date: January 29, 2024
Next Review Date: AY 2028-2029
Regulatory Authority:
Part 1. Policy Statement.
º£½ÇÉçÇø (NHCC) strives to provide a positive, welcoming atmosphere that supports teaching and learning. As members of the College community, all students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with norms of behavior as stated in this policy and Minnesota State Board Policy and Procedure 3.6 and 3.6.1. Consistent with this purpose, intentional efforts are made to foster the personal, social, and ethical development of those students whose behavior is in conflict with College expectations.
Any member of the College community may file a written complaint against a student alleging a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct and reporting forms are accessible on the college website.
Allegations of discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence shall be resolved in accordance with and System Procedures 1B.1 and 1B.1.1 Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity and Minnesota State Board Policy and System Procedure 1B.3, and 1B.3.1 Sexual Violence Policy Allegations of fraud or dishonest acts shall be resolved in accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy 1C.2 Fraudulent or Other Dishonest Acts.
Part 2. Definitions.
Subpart A. College.
Subpart B. College Community Member.
Any person who is a student or who is employed by or otherwise affiliated with the College.
Subpart C. Complainant.
Any person who alleges a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
Subpart D. Conduct Officer.
The person(s) designated by the College President to be responsible for the administration of the Code of Student Conduct.
Subpart E. College Facilities.
College facilities are identified as all buildings and grounds owned or controlled by the College, including streets, sidewalks, parking lots, athletic fields, roadways and all other property owned or controlled by the College.
Subpart F. Expulsion.
Permanent denial of enrollment privileges.
Subpart G. Preponderance of Evidence.
A standard of responsibility that it is more likely than not that the Code of Student Conduct has been violated.
Subpart H. Student.
Includes all persons who:
- are enrolled in one or more courses, either credit or non-credit;
- withdraw, transfer or graduate, after an alleged violation of the Code of Student Conduct;
- are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the college; and/or
- have been notified of their acceptance for admission or have initiated the process of application for admission or financial aid.
Subpart I. Student Advocate.
Someone who serves in an advisory role to the accused student or to the complainant at their own expense. Participation of student advocates during the informal and formal hearing processes is limited to speaking with/caucusing with their student, and asking clarifying questions to facilitate the hearing process. Students who may face criminal prosecution for a serious offense may choose an attorney as their advocate.
Subpart J. Student Conduct Panel.
College employees and students who comprise the board in formal hearings for Student Conduct Code proceedings.
Subpart K. Student Conduct Procedures.
Separate from processes in local, state, or federal law. Formal rules of process, procedure, and/or technical rules of evidence, such as are applied in criminal or civil court, are not used in Student Conduct Code proceedings.
Subpart L. Student Organization.
A group of persons who have met the formal club or organization recognition requirements as outlined by the Student Senate.
Subpart M. Summary Suspension.
A suspension imposed without a formal hearing to ensure the safety and well-being of the College community.
Subpart N. Suspension.
Denial of enrollment privileges for a specified period of time after which the student is eligible to return.
Part 3. Campus Review.
Review Action Date(s)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
Campus Community Review Period: 10/16/2023 - 10/27/2023
AFSCME Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
MAPE Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
MMA Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
Shared Governance Council Review: 11/17/2023
Student Senate Review: 11/30/2023
President Rolando Garcia Approval: 1/29/2024
Campus Community Dissemination: 2/14/2024
- Previous policy/procedure did not have an NH policy number (pre-February 2014)
- Reviewed Fall 2018
- Reviewed Fall 2023, updated links