Procedure Information
Number: 4.9.1
Name: Faculty Evaluation Procedure
Effective Date: January 29, 2024
Next Review Date: AY 2028–2029
Regulatory Authority:
Part 1. Procedure Background.
In accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy Employee Evaluation Policy, and the MSCF collective bargaining agreement, this procedure dictates the faculty evaluation process.
All faculty, regardless of appointment status, will be evaluated based on their teaching/interaction with students, professional development activities, service, and commitment to equity.
Part 2. Definitions.
Subpart A. New Faculty Members.
A faculty member who is in their first semester teaching at the College, regardless of appointment status.
Subpart B. Probationary Faculty Member.
An unlimited full-time or unlimited part-time faculty member who has not completed the required probationary period.
Subpart C. Teaching Faculty.
Faculty members whose assignment includes classroom instruction, regardless of appointment status.
Subpart D. Non-Teaching Faculty.
Faculty members whose assignment does not include classroom instruction, regardless of appointment status.
Subpart E. Supervisory File.
The records that a supervisor maintains on each of their direct reports.
Subpart F. Regular and Substantive Interaction.
Regular interactions are faculty-initiated contacts with students to support their learning that occur on a predictable cycle.
Substantive interactions are defined as:
- Providing direct instruction (can be applied to synchronous interactions only)
- Assessing or providing feedback on a student’s coursework
- Providing information or responding to questions about the content of a course or competency
- Facilitating a group discussion regarding the content of a course or competency
- Other instructional activities approved by a program’s accrediting agency.
Faculty shall engage in a minimum of two forms of substantive interaction in each course, commensurate with the credit hour. As a general guideline, faculty should aim for an average of one (1) hour per week per credit of Regular and/or Substantive Interaction, recognizing that the ebb and flow of the academic semester means some weeks will be heavier and others will be lighter.
Subpart G. Official NHCC Course Outline
Course outlines communicate information about college and university courses and on how the courses align with applicable accreditation requirements. Course outlines are created, maintained, and approved by the College's Academic Affairs and Standards Council.
Part 3. Evaluation Methods.
Subpart A. Classroom Visit.
The supervisor observes the faculty member’s teaching in the classroom. The supervisor may observe the faculty member in any format in which the faculty teaches, including, but not limited to, traditional lecture, lab, clinical, seminar, online, etc. The classroom visit will be scheduled collaboratively between the faculty and the supervisor. Following the classroom visit, whether face-to-face or virtual, the supervisor will prepare a written report documenting the classroom visit and review said report with the faculty member within 30 business days.
Subpart B. Learner Outcome Assessment.
Learner Outcome Assessments (LOA) measure the effectiveness of pedagogical strategies and student learning. A learner outcome assessment implements a pedagogical change, measures the effect of the change on student learning, and guides faculty continued development. An LOA can be used for both Faculty Evaluation and Program Review and Learner Outcome Assessment.
Subpart C. Peer Review.
Peer review provides feedback from a peer chosen by the faculty member. Guidance for faculty new to peer review of their colleagues’ teaching will be provided. Peer reviews must be documented. Contents of the review will be shared with the supervisor . The faculty member may submit a personal reflection of their peer review experience.
Subpart D. Self-evaluation.
The self-evaluation is completed by the faculty member and includes the following:
- An assessment of strengths and weaknesses on each of the relevant Faculty Evaluation Criteria (Part 6 below). Plans for improvement and accountability measures must be included for areas of weakness.
- A review of disaggregated student success data and reflection on specific strategies the faculty member will take to work towards or maintain parity of outcomes among student groups.
- A statement of help, assistance, or guidance needed to continue professional development.
- A statement of near-term and long-range professional goals.
- A review of any previous self-evaluations and a status update on progress towards the faculty member’s stated goals.
- Any relevant supporting materials.
Subpart E. Student Feedback.
Student feedback provides data from students about the faculty member. Standardized student feedback, customized student feedback, and learner outcome assessments are all valid forms of student feedback.
Customized student feedback consists of forms developed by the faculty member in consultation with the faculty member’s supervisor. Customized student feedback forms are administered to all students enrolled in one or more of the faculty member’s courses.
Standardized student feedback consists of forms developed by the College. Standardized student feedback forms are administered to all students enrolled in one or more of the faculty member’s courses.
The form of student feedback will be determined through consultation between the supervisor and the faculty member. Documentation of student feedback will also be determined through consultation between the supervisor and the faculty member.
Subpart F. Supervisor Review.
At the end of a three-year cycle, supervisors will assess the faculty member’s performance according to the relevant Faculty Evaluation Criteria (Part 6 below). The assessment will be reviewed with the faculty member, and the faculty member and supervisor will collaboratively develop plans for improvement where necessary along with reasonable accountability measures.
Subpart G. Other Methods of Evaluation.
Faculty may coordinate with their supervisor to determine materials to be used for this evaluation option.
Part 4. Evaluation Cycle.
Subpart A. Schedule of Evaluation.
- All new faculty, regardless of their hiring status, will be evaluated by their supervisor by the end of their first semester of employment at º£½ÇÉçÇø.
- Probationary faculty will be evaluated by their supervisor each semester of probationary status. Probationary faculty and supervisors will coordinate which form of evaluation will happen each semester during probation. Supervisors shall complete the evaluation of probationary faculty in their final semester of probation no later than October 15 or March 15 of that final semester. Probationary faculty must successfully complete the requisite probationary status in accordance with the MSCF collective bargaining agreement before becoming an unlimited faculty member. The Senior Academic Officer will notify probationary faculty in writing of unlimited status or non-renewal by no later than one month prior to the end of last probationary semester.
- All faculty will be evaluated annually in the semester assigned by their supervisor, unless the supervisor determines that more frequent evaluation is necessary.
- Non-teaching faculty will follow the same evaluation schedule as teaching faculty.
Subpart B. Meeting Between the Supervisor and the Faculty Member.
Each year, the supervisor will communicate with the faculty member to review the Professional Development Plan, which may incorporate work assignments at NHCC and beyond, and plan for any relevant evaluation activities.
After evaluation has been completed, the supervisor will meet with the faculty member to discuss the evaluation and to collaboratively develop plans for focus where necessary. The supervisor and faculty member will collaboratively develop reasonable accountability measures. If there are plans for improvement and accountability measures in place, feedback and progress towards these plans will also be discussed and revised as appropriate. This meeting will be documented and placed in the faculty member’s file in accordance with the Recordkeeping process.
Part 5. Contents of Evaluation.
Subpart A. Faculty in their First Semester Teaching at º£½ÇÉçÇø.
Evaluation for faculty in their first semester of teaching at º£½ÇÉçÇø must include the following:
- Supervisor’s classroom visit with written report.
- Standardized student feedback, customized student feedback, or learner outcome assessment to be determined collaboratively between the faculty member and the supervisor.
Subpart B. Probationary Faculty.
Probationary faculty shall collaborate with their supervisor to determine a schedule that incorporates classroom observations, student feedback, and peer review. Annually, probationary faculty will complete a self-evaluation. At the end of the probationary period, supervisors will complete the Supervisor Review.
Probationary faculty will develop a teaching portfolio to be submitted to the supervisor at the end of their probationary period. The teaching portfolio will include:
- Annual self-reflections.
- Materials associated with their semester evaluations.
- Faculty-selected evidence of contributions to the campus community.
- Sample syllabi and course assignments.
- Other materials as identified by the faculty member.
Subpart C. All Other Teaching Faculty.
Regardless of appointment status, all teaching faculty will be evaluated on a three-year cycle.
Year 1: Classroom visit and student feedback.
Year 2: Student feedback and either a peer review or a classroom visit.
Year 3: Self-evaluation, supervisor review, learner outcome assessment.
Subpart D. Non-teaching Faculty.
The evaluation of non-teaching faculty will include input from multiple sources, selected by the supervisor in consultation with the faculty member. Possible input sources include any of the evaluation methods described in Part 3. A supervisor review must be completed on an annual basis.
Part 6. Faculty Evaluation Criteria.
Subpart A: All Faculty.
The following criteria are applicable for evaluating all faculty:
- Demonstrates a commitment to equity for traditionally underserved populations and actively works towards inclusion of these populations.
- Demonstrates a concern for student success:
- Treats students with dignity and respect in a courteous and professional manner;
- Demonstrates culturally responsive, equitable, and inclusive practices;
- Is available to students to discuss (1) the student’s academic progress, (2) career opportunities in the faculty member’s assigned field, and (3) other issues as appropriate;
- Regularly reviews and reflects upon disaggregated success data to eliminate achievement gaps and enhance equity in student outcomes.
- Maintains office hours.
- Fulfills professional development responsibilities:
- Maintains currency in credential field;
- Engages in professional development activities.
- Fulfills responsibilities to the College:
- Completes administrative clerical requirements associated with their position in an accurate and timely manner (such as, but not limited to, grade reports, last date of attendance requests, requisitions, textbook orders, library purchases, student reports, etc.);
- Adheres to established department standards, College policies/procedures, and ethical/legal standards;
- Attends and participates in department/division/College meetings and activities;
- Participates in College service activities, governance, and/or community service.
- Demonstrates collegiality:
- Communicates, coordinates, and works cooperatively and effectively with others;
- Demonstrates respect for diversity and equity across campus;
- Serves as a good steward of College resources.
Subpart B: Teaching Faculty.
The following criteria are applicable for evaluating teaching faculty. All teaching faculty are expected to:
- Hold class during scheduled classroom hours.
- Engage in Regular and Substantive Interaction commensurate with the credit hour with students in all class modalities.
- Regularly incorporate information from student feedback and learner outcomes assessment to improve teaching and learning.
- Prepare comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date syllabi that align with the official NHCC Course Outline.
- Share syllabi and course outlines in writing with students before the end of the first week of class.
- Communicate all course information and requirements to students in writing before the end of the first week of class:
- College name
- Subject
- Course Number
- Course Title
- Course Modality – Day, time, & location of class meetings. For blended/hybrid classes, the dates and times when classes will meet face-to-face.
- Course Description
- Learning Outcomes
- Credits with Lab and Lecture Hours broken out
- Prerequisites and/or Co-requisites
- Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goals
- Faculty contact Information
- Time and Location of Office Hours
- Standards for classroom participation and attendance
- Types of assignments and tests
- Due dates of assignments and policies regarding accepting late or inadequate work
- Criteria for the evaluation of student work and grade determination
- Academic integrity statement
- Access services statement
- Adhere to their syllabus and other course policies.
- Teach in accordance with the official NHCC Course Outline.
- Develop course materials that reflect current trends in the faculty member’s credentialed field.
- Competently guide student learning by:
- Communicating subject matter clearly, accurately, and effectively.
- Incorporating appropriate learning strategies to support diversity and inclusion.
- Maintaining a classroom environment conducive to student learning.
- Providing relevant and clear learning activities.
- Evaluating student progress accurately, impartially, and in a relevant and timely manner;
- Assessing student progress on all learner outcomes listed on the official NHCC Course Outline;
- Ensuring students are informed of their progress in a regular, relevant, and timely manner;
- Provide opportunities for student participation in the teaching and learning process.
Subpart C: Non-teaching Faculty.
All non-teaching faculty are expected to
- Perform duties in an accurate and timely manner.
- Provide effective service to meet student and College needs.
- Achieve goals as articulated in the faculty member’s professional development plan.
Additional criteria may apply, as determined mutually by supervisor and faculty member.
Part 7. Recordkeeping.
Subpart A. Faculty Responsibilities.
The faculty member will assist in the preparation and compilation of evaluation materials.
- Faculty will coordinate with supervisors to schedule classroom visits.
- Faculty will administer customized student feedback forms or assemble documentation of learner outcome assessments as appropriate.
- Faculty will assist with the administration of standardized student feedback as appropriate.
- Faculty will compose their self-evaluation.
- Faculty will be responsible for contacting and scheduling a peer review. Faculty are also responsible for ensuring that proper documentation of a peer review is provided to the supervisor.
- Faculty will coordinate with supervisors to complete the annual evaluation process.
Subpart B. Supervisor Responsibilities.
The supervisor will collaborate with faculty to ensure timely evaluation.
The supervisor will prepare a written summary of the evaluation, including outcomes and recommendations. The supervisor will then share the summary with the faculty. The summary will be submitted to Human Resources within 30 business days to be placed in the faculty member’s official personnel file.
Subpart C. Faculty Rights.
The faculty member may submit a written response to the supervisor's evaluation to be included in the faculty member’s official personnel file.
Subpart D. Location of Records.
Evaluation materials will be maintained in the supervisory file in the supervisor’s office. The supervisor will confirm that faculty have received standardized student feedback once the faculty evaluation process is complete.
Part 8. Campus Review.
Review Action Date(s)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
Campus Community Review Period: 10/16/2023 - 10/27/2023
AFSCME Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
MAPE Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
MMA Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
Shared Governance Council Review: 11/17/2023
Student Senate Review: 11/30/2023
President Rolando Garcia Approval: 1/29/2024
Campus Community Dissemination: 2/14/2024
- Adoption under Ann Wynia on 12–19–07 as VI.07.06.01
- Revised Spring 2013
- Revised Spring 2018
- Reviewed Fall 2018
- Reviewed Spring 2023 at request of MSCF. Language modified to make it clear all faculty need to be evaluated according to Part 6. Faculty Evaluation Criteria and to add expectations around closing the equity gap for traditionally underrepresented populations.
- Reviewed Fall 2023 to standardize the evaluation process and incorporate language around Regular and Substantive Interaction and the required use of course outlines.