Procedure Information
Number: 5.32.1
Name: Records Retention Procedure
Author: Policy Committee
Effective Date: January 29, 2024
Next Review Date: AY 2028–2029
Regulatory Authority:
Part 1. Records Retention Schedule.
The º£½ÇÉçÇø Records Retention Schedule is housed with data privacy records. This document describes categories of records, the means for records storage, the length of time records should be kept, and instructions for records destruction. State or federal law may determine the period that certain records must be kept, though records may be kept longer than the retention schedule.
Certain units or offices within the College may find that there are professional standards dictating best practices for records retention. For example, the Records and Registration Office will adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in determining access to records and the format for keeping records. The Financial Aid Office will be bound by federal laws related to student financial aid. The º£½ÇÉçÇø Records Retention Schedule incorporates the requirements of various laws as they apply to general categories of records.
Part 2. Records Custodians.
Everyone who creates records is responsible for managing those records while they are using them. Maintaining records in a safe, secure, and retrievable way is the primary responsibility of the creator while the record is serving its useful purpose.
Subpart A. Designated Records Custodians.
All records of the College have a designated Records Custodian. The designated Records Custodians for º£½ÇÉçÇø are:
- Academic Affairs Data – Senior Academic Affairs Officer
- Financial and Facilities Data – Senior Finance and Facilities Officer
- Human Resources Data – Senior Human Resources Officer
- Student Affairs and Student Services Data – Senior Student Affairs Officer
- Additional Custodians (i.e. College Historian, College Archivist)- Designated employee at the discretion of the President or Senior Academic Affairs Officer, in consultation with relevant collective bargaining units.
Subpart B. Records Custodian Responsibilities.
Records Custodians are responsible for:
- Ensuring record storage is secure and under conditions that will preserve the record.
- Understanding the records created within the department, administrative office, or unit.
- Following this policy and procedure to make decisions on retention and destruction of records.
- Providing guidance to others who are involved in preparing records for storage.
- Being responsible for ensuring that everyone in the department, administrative office, or unit is aware of and following the records retention policy and procedure.
- Consulting with College employees on matters related to record retention, destruction of records, and items of possible historical value.
- Establishing the level of confidentiality and security appropriate to specific types of records and helping the department or unit maintain and monitor confidentiality and security.
Part 3. Records Storage.
Subpart A. Tangible Records.
Tangible records are those that must be physically moved to store, such as paper records (including printed versions of electronically saved documents), photographs, audio recordings, advertisements, and promotional items. Active records, records that need to be easily accessible, and inactive records may be stored in the College’s office space or equipment. Records may also be stored in storage areas around campus or in secure offsite storage locations.
Subpart B. Electronic Records.
Many records are created and maintained in an electronic format. These include documents on computer hard drives, email and its attachments, and documents that have been scanned and reside in electronic document storage systems or on other removable storage media. File maintenance of these records requires coordination with the Academic & Technology Services department.
Any electronic record that needs to be kept for a retention period longer than seven (7) years should be printed and kept in a paper filing system OR maintained in an electronic format and the equipment needed to read or access the information kept and maintained for the same period of time. Records that are maintained only in electronic format should be named and labeled in a manner that is consistent with the paper filing system used in the office for ease of coordination and cross-referencing. Electronic documentation should be backed up in a separate location each semester. An electronic file that has permanent value to the College should be printed and transferred to the relevant custodian(s).
Part 4. Accessing Records.
Individuals seeking access to College records should contact the appropriate designated Records Custodian listed above. All applicable state and federal laws, as well as Minnesota State Board and College policies will be considered when determining what records may be made available to College employees and the public. Refer to College Policy 2.21 and Procedure 2.21.1, Privacy of Educational Records at for more information.
Part 5. Records Destruction.
Subpart A. Tangible Records.
Tangible records should be destroyed by shredding or some other means that will render them unreadable. Tangible records also include physical discs, flash drives, or other media that contain electronic records. Consult the Records Retention Schedule or a designated Records Custodian for how to destroy tangible records.
Subpart B. Electronic Records.
Electronic records must be destroyed according to the Records Retention Schedule. Where duplicate records are involved, all copies must be destroyed or deleted.
Subpart C. Cessation of Record Destruction/Deletion.
If a lawsuit is filed or imminent, or a legal document request has been made upon the College, all record destruction must cease immediately. The College President or one of the designated Records Custodians may suspend this policy and procedure to require that documents relating to the lawsuit or potential legal issue(s) be retained and organized. Failure to follow this protocol could subject College to fines and penalties, among other sanctions.
Part 6. College Archives.
The College Archives, under the direction of the relevant custodian(s), is the depository for non-current institutional records that contain enduring and significant historical or research value. A minimum of two copies of every publication issued by the College should be forwarded to the archives. The Archives also solicits and accepts donations of professional and personal papers of faculty and staff, records of student organizations, and other relevant material.
Subpart A. Archive Items.
Examples of items that can be forwarded to the College Archives include, but are not limited to:
- Administrative Correspondence
- Alumni Biographical Information
- Artifacts
- Course materials (assignments, syllabi, etc.)
- Event summaries (conferences, workshops, etc.)
- Faculty and staff professional and personal papers
- Faculty/Staff Manuals
- Histories of the College/Program Reviews
- Publications, such as:
- Announcements
- Catalogs
- Flyers
- Mass Mailings
- News Releases
- Newsletters
- Posters
- Programs
- Recordings and publications of:
- Academic events
- Commencement
- Concerts and/or programs
- Student Life events
- Sporting events
- Theatre events
- Student distinction and honors
- Student Organization reports and policies
Subpart B. Historical Value.
The decision to select and preserve records of historical value is the responsibility of the relevant custodian(s). In the cases where historical records may be confidential in nature, access will be limited to only individuals authorized by the Records Custodian governing those records.
Part 7. Campus Review.
Review Action Date(s)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
Campus Community Review Period: 10/16/2023 - 10/27/2023
AFSCME Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
MAPE Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
MMA Review: 11/8/2023 – 11/30/2023
Shared Governance Council Review: 11/17/2023
Student Senate Review: 11/30/2023
President Rolando Garcia Approval: 1/29/2024
Campus Community Dissemination: 2/14/2024
- New procedure effective 8/26/2013
- Reviewed for campus comment Fall 2018
- Reviewed Fall 2023, updated custodian titles