Procedure Information
Number: 5.35.1
Name: Service Animals on Campus Procedure
Author: Policy Committee
Effective Date: February 27, 2020
Next Review Date: AY2023–2024
Regulatory Authority:
- (2013) – Discrimination against blind, deaf, or other persons with physical or sensory disabilities prohibited.
Part 1. Service Animals on Campus
- Service Animals and Service Animals in Training must be under control of the person they provide service to at all times.
- Use of a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training may be prohibited if the use of the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of other persons.
- Use of a Service Animal in Training may be prohibited if the presence of the Service Animal in Training will result in a fundamental alteration of the educational program or activity involved. Questions about the impact of the Service Animal on an educational program or activity should be addressed with the Access Services in consultation with the sponsoring department.
- When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, College officials may ask only two questions: (1) Is the animal a Service Animal required because of a disability? and (2) What work or task has the animal been trained to perform? College officials cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the animal, or ask that the animal demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.
- College officials may ask an individual to remove a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training from the College campus if:
- the animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others;
- the animal is out of control or disruptive and the animal’s handler does not take effective action to control it; or
- the animal is not housebroken.
Part 2. Therapy Animals on Campus
Therapy Animals are permitted on campus in designated areas only. These areas will be arranged in advance with the employee’s supervisor and the Vice President of Finance and Facilities.
Part 3. Animals for Educational Purposes
Animals are permitted on campus for educational purposes. Any employee who wishes to bring domestic animals on campus for educational purposes must:
- Inform students of the date, time, location, and duration of the presence of animals on campus at least three business days prior to the animals coming onto campus.
- In the case of animals in the classroom, faculty must ensure the health and safety of the students. Students who have allergies or phobias must be provided alternative educational experiences.
- Inform the employee’s supervisor in writing the date, time, location, and duration of the presence of animals on campus at least three business days prior to the animals coming onto campus. The written notice must include copy of the student notification.
Part 4. Feral and Wild Animals
Feral or wild animals that are not a risk and do not represent a hazard, cause property damage, or create a public nuisance, and that do not require human intervention, may inhabit the campus grounds.
No person may do anything to attract feral or wild animals to campus, nor may any person feed or set out food or water for feral or wild animals on campus or engage in any other human intervention. Human intervention includes, but is not limited to, attracting animals, feeding, watering, building of shelters for animals, and providing medication.
Feral or wild animals that are a potential risk, represent a hazard, cause property damage, create a nuisance, or otherwise pose a potential threat to the health or safety of humans will be regulated, controlled, and/or humanely relocated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
No person may intentionally harm wild or feral animals on campus.
Part 5. Campus Review
Review Action: | Date(s) |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Review: | March 11, 2019 |
Campus Community Review Period: | March 27, 2019–April 11, 2019 |
AFSCME Review: | November 5, 2019 |
MAPE Review: | November 5, 2019 |
MMA Review: | November 5, 2019 |
Shared Governance Council Review: | December 22, 2019 |
Student Senate Review: | November 1, 2019 |
Interim President Jeffrey Williamson Approval: | February 27, 2020 |
Campus Community Dissemination: | September 22, 2020 |
- New procedure January 2015
- Reviewed Spring 2019