Procedure Information
Number: 5.36.1
Name: Postings and Displays Procedure
Effective Date: 26 May 2021
Next Review Date: AY 2025–2026
Part 1. Postings and Displays
º£½ÇÉçÇø permits the following types of postings and displays within its buildings or on its grounds in accordance with this established policy and authorization process.
Materials must not violate Minnesota State Colleges and Universities policies, or federal, state, or local laws.
No private or protected data may be posted or displayed in any area of the college.
The Vice President of Finance and Facilities is the final arbitrator on these policies and regulations.
Subpart A. Departmental Postings and Displays
Bulletin boards and display cases shall be provided for departments and programs for academic-related postings and displays, including grades. If possible, department bulletin boards or display cases shall be located near the associated office suite and shall be used to provide information or displays relevant to the discipline and college. The faculty coordinator or department supervisor is responsible for placement and removal of all materials on department bulletin boards. In the event a posting or display is deemed controversial or its placement is disputed by members of the department or program, the appropriate dean or supervisor will facilitate a discussion among the affected parties to develop a mutually acceptable solution. In the event that the affected parties cannot reach consensus, the dean or supervisor has the authority to decide the outcome. The dean or supervisor’s decision can be appealed through the established supervisory chain.
Large academic displays outside of the parameters of this subpart should be discussed with the Chief Finance and Facilities Officer, or designee, to determine if there is conflicting space scheduling, violation of fire codes or other policies.
Subpart B. Employee Postings and Displays
Employees may, in accordance with the postings and display policy, place postings or displays on campus for the purpose of providing relevant, college-related information to the college community and publicizing a college-related or sponsored event. Employees must obtain approval permit from the Office of Student Life, before placing any posting or display on campus and must use appropriate bulletin boards, posting boards, display cabinets or space as determined by the Office of Student Life.
Employees may utilize departmental bulletin or white boards to post department-relevant information such as vacation and overtime schedules.
Postings may be affixed within personal spaces, such as in offices and cubicles, and on individual doors and interior windows. Such postings should not be affixed in an area of general public view or access, nor in a manner which would damage college property. In the event personal space is shared, the parties must agree to the postings or displays. If one party disagrees with the posting or display, it shall not be affixed within that personal space.
Subpart C. Student Postings and Displays
Students may, in accordance with the postings and display policy, place postings or displays on campus for the purpose of providing relevant, student sponsored or college-related information to the college community. Student Life maintains the bulletin boards around campus, aside from academic boards. All Student Life bulletin boards should have a Student Life sign (below) posted on the board.
Students must obtain approval permit from the Office of Student Life, before placing any posting or display on campus and must use appropriate bulletin boards, posting boards, display cabinets or space as determined by the Office of Student Life.
Subpart D. Classroom Schedules
Classroom schedules are posted in classroom sign holders designated for this purpose by a designee from Academic Affairs at the beginning of each term. Changes and updates are also the responsibility of this office.
Subpart E. General Information and Advertising
Employees, students and external parties may utilize designated general purpose bulletin boards or publication holders on campus. All parties must obtain approval permit from the Office of Student Life, before placing such information on campus.
Subpart F. Legally Required Postings
A bulletin board will be placed outside of Human Resources and will display legally required postings for the Human Resources department. Legally required postings allowed to be electronically posted will also be on the College Internet or Intranet websites.
Subpart G. Union Postings
In addition to the bulletin board housed in the Human Resources area that is required for posting job announcements, an informational bulletin board will be provided for union use. The union representatives on campus will be responsible keeping and updating an informational bulletin board. Informational bulletin boards will be kept in locations that are easily accessible to members. The union representatives/liaisons on campus will be responsible for keeping and updating the informational boards.
Subpart H. Electronic Postings and Digital Signage System
Electronic postings include the monitors, website, email, cell phones, kiosks, intranet, and cable TV. The Marketing and Communications Office is responsible for the various electronic postings on kiosks, monitors, websites, email, cell phones, intranet, cable TV and other electronic formats. The process for public postings on the monitor system can be found in the Marketing and Communications office area. The digital signage system refers to the other electronic signage used by departments. The director or supervisor of that department is responsible for those postings.
Subpart I. Temporary Notices
Temporary notices, such as class cancellations, room changes, or office closings are to be posted on room sign document holders designated for this purpose. Measures will be taken to use easily removable and non-damaging adhesives when posting such notices to walls, doors or windows. Class and faculty information should also be posted to the classroom sign document holder, not to the door. Temporary notices must be removed immediately after their purpose has been served. Signs that advertise campus events must be pre-approved by the Office of Student Life.
College closing information may be posted on exterior doors as authorized by a college administrator.
Subpart J. All Other Postings and Displays
All other postings and displays, not addressed above, are allowed in employees’ personal workspace, as long as the items are not disruptive to the workplace, damaging to property, nor in an area of general public view or access.
In the event there is uncertainty as to where a posting or display can be placed, contact the Office of Student Life. In the event there is concern whether a posting or display violates policy or law, contact your supervisor or dean.
Subpart K. Chalking
Chalking on campus is limited to registered, recognized student organizations, official NHCC departments or offices, faculty and staff members.
- Chalking is permitted only in open areas on a horizontal surface such as sidewalks or plazas.
- Advertising must be for only a campus-wide event, an event open to all students or services provided by a college department.
- Chalking must bear the name of or be signed by the sponsoring organization.
- The material used to mark the walk must be water soluble chalk (sidewalk chalk).
- Chalking may be in place for a maximum of 10 days.
Violations of this procedure constitute grounds for removal of the material by the campus facilities management unit, which reserves the right to charge for the cost of removal and any associated repairs to the sponsoring organization.
- The use of markers, paints, oil-based products, or spray chalk is prohibited.
- Chalking is prohibited on all vertical and also prohibited on the specific horizontal surfaces listed here: buildings, walls, benches, picnic tables, signs, poles, newsstands, columns, bus stops, mailboxes, trash cans, light poles, vehicles, and trees.
Part 2. Protocols for Posting
- The Student Life Posting Policy allows the following to be hung around campus:
- 10 copies of flyers (size: 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17)
- 4 copies of posters (size: 24 x 36)
- Event-related postings may be posted two weeks (fourteen days) in advance of the activity.
- Posted items shall be no larger than 11 by 17 inches unless otherwise approved.
- All flyers and posters need to include the ADA statement as well as the Student Life stamp.
- Posted items should not cover any other posted material.
- Only one posting for the same event may be posted per board.
- Temporary notices may be posted in room and office signs designated for this purpose
- Materials affixed with the use of damaging adhesives and without prior approval in public areas on walls, doors, windows or pillars will be removed and discarded.
Part 3. General Regulations for Posting and Display Removal
- Postings and displays should be removed within 24 hours after the publicized event has completed.
- Posting and display removal is the responsibility of the area having affixed or set such postings and displays.
- In the event that directions are necessary to be temporarily posted to facilitate access/egress -- directions must be removed immediately after the event.
- Information items not posted within board perimeter will be removed.
- Informational items posted within board perimeter without authorization will be removed.
- Materials posted or displayed on or in non-authorized areas, or in violation of Part 1, will be removed.
Part 4. Administration Social Media
º£½ÇÉçÇø supports participation on social networks, as they provide the college community with an exciting, low-cost channel to share and exchange thoughts, ideas, news, events, and experiences through discussions, postings, photos and videos. The college adopts guidelines to ensure the most effective use of college social media for the college’s external marketing and outreach efforts.
The NHCC official website ( and the NHCC Mobile App remain the central communication vehicles for many of the college’s audiences and should not be neglected in favor of social networking. Social networking is used to enhance communication with the college’s target audiences and key stakeholders or as an instructional tool.
Employees and students may be held accountable for content published in affiliation with º£½ÇÉçÇø that contains content that violates System Procedure 5.22.1, Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources or other college policies.
All content published by the college must be accurate and consistent. Any information distributed via social media must match the official information distributed through º£½ÇÉçÇø print materials, website and NHCC Mobile App. Copyright and intellectual property rights of others and of the college must be adhered to in any social media connected to the college. Employees and students of º£½ÇÉçÇø must comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA), and other privacy laws. Social media users are responsible for handling data to which they have access or control in accordance with these laws. That means employees and students must take care not to publish private information on social media. This prohibition extends to posting any information about identifiable students and employees which is not considered directory information under NHCC Procedure 2.21.1, Privacy of Education Records Procedure or posting information about other employees which is not considered public data under the MGDPA. Members of the larger º£½ÇÉçÇø community must be respected. Do not post content that might cause someone to believe that their name, image, likeness or other identifying aspect of their identity is being used without permission for any purposes.
Part 5. Violations
Repeated violation of the posting policy may result in revocation of posting privileges or disciplinary action.
Part 6. Campus Review
Review Action: | Date(s) |
Campus Community Review Period: | 5 Mar 2021–26 Mar 2021 |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Review: | 3 May 2021 |
AFSCME Review: | 5 Apr 2021–14 May 2021 |
MAPE Review: | 5 Apr 2021–14 May 2021 |
MMA Review: | 5 Apr 2021–14 May 2021 |
Shared Governance Council Review: | 14 May 2021 |
Student Senate Review: | 29 April 2021 |
President Rolando Garcia Approval: | 26 May 2021 |
Campus Community Dissemination: | 14 June 2021 |
- Original policy/procedure 12/1998.
- Revised 12/13/2010.
- Revised August 2015.
- Revised Spring 2021, added language about electronic postings and student postings to platforms outside of NHCC. Approved 26 May 2021 by President Rolando Garcia.