Policy/Procedure Information
Number: 2.15.1
Name: Student Stipend Procedure
Author: Policy Committee
Effective Date: March 28, 2019
Next Review Date: Fall 2023
Regulatory Authority:
Part 1. Exceptional Student Leadership Service and Student Senate Executive Board Stipend
Subpart A. Distribution of Stipend Credits per Semester
- 3 Credits for each of the following Student Senate Executive Board positions:President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Coordinator and Legislative Coordinator.
- 20 Credits for Exceptional Student Leadership Service.
Subpart B. Criteria Applied to all Credit Awarded
- Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for the semester in which a stipend is to be awarded.
- Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of 67%.
- Recipients must meet all other college eligibility requirements as dictated by the academic progress policy and student senate constitution.
- Reimbursement will be made after the end of the semester.
Subpart C. Criteria Applied to Exceptional Student Leadership Service Stipends
Includes students at large, clubs and organizations leadership, and all other applicable student involvement opportunities.
- The nominee must have organized, helped organize, had a major part in executing a campus wide student event or made a major contribution in a way that affected students on campus.
- An NHCC faculty, staff, or student must nominate and submit the nominee’s nomination form to Student Life, for review by the Stipend Credit Ad-Hoc committee, by the established deadlines each semester.
- If there are extra stipend credits available they may be used to award additional Exceptional Service Leadership nominee’s stipends.If the Ad-Hoc Committee chooses to award unclaimed stipend credits, they shall follow the criteria listed in items I and II in this section.
- Based on nominations received, the Ad-Hoc Committee may award an individual student more than one stipend credit but no more than two.In this situation, the student may receive two credits for a single event or involvement OR be awarded two credits for two individual events/achievement. A Student Senate Executive Board Member may receive no more than 5 credits between the two stipend categories.
Subpart D. Criteria Applied to Executive Board Members Stipend Credits
- Each Student Senate Executive Board member must be a recognized member of the Student Senate Executive Board at least 60 days before the last full senate meeting of the stipend credit semester to receive a stipend credit.
- Each Student Senate Executive Board member may receive their stipend credit based on a performance review and a vote of the Stipend Credit Ad-Hoc Committee.
- As part of their performance review, each Student Senate Executive Board member must write a report on what they have done and/or accomplished during the stipend credit semester.
- If there are any vacant Student Senate Executive Board positions, the Stipend Credit Ad-Hoc Committee may give the stipend credit for that position to another Student Senate Executive Board member or student who has performed the duties of that position.In the event the credits are not awarded, they will be added to the pool of available Exceptional Student Leadership credits.
Part 2. Ad-Hoc Committee and Nomination Process
- The Ad-Hoc Committee is to be made up of one random Student Senate Executive Board member, two random organization representatives, and two students at large. The Committee shall be chaired by student life. The chair will have the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
- Nomination form(s) are available through the Student Life and Student Senate offices beginning 3 weeks from the end of the semester.Completed nominations are due to the Student Senate Advisor by the end of the current semester for which the student is being nominated.
- Once the stipend credit has been determined, the student recipient has 60 calendar days to claim their stipend award. Students selected must provide a signature on the provided stipend form in Student Life. Stipends can be collected from Accounting.
Part 3. Campus Review
Review Action |
Date(s) |
Campus Community Review Period |
02-Nov-2018 through 21-Nov-2018 |
AFSCME Review |
December 2018 |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee |
10-Dec-2018 |
MAPE Review |
December 2018 |
MMA Review |
December 2018 |
Shared Governance Council Review |
14-Dec-2018 |
Student Senate Review |
6-Dec-2018 |
President Approval |
28-Mar-2019 |
Campus Community Dissemination |
April 2019 |
- Adoption - NHII.02.01.
- Revised – 24-September-2002
- Revised – 26-August-2008
- Revised – 26-June-2009
- Reviewed Fall 2018